With the removal of most payphones from the NYC subway system, this project has been slow to update. So this site will remain as an archive, and will not be updated any further. In the future this project may be revived, but as of May 12, 2013 this project shall remain as an archive only.
The content on this site is original. You may use any of the information on this site for any non-commercial purposes as you wish. If adding any of the photos or payphone numbers to any directories, please credit the information to NYPHONEJACKS.

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Random found numbers:
718-234-3100/6 hydraulics department on assumed locked door
(emergency phone number B5192)

212-712-4236 above assumed locked door
718-243-4506 above assumed locked door
212-424-4497 / 212-424-4023 elevator, escalator emergency phone, on assumed locked door
888-817-4039 on construction shed  
718-243-3141 on door behind gate "signal"
718-243-3100 - 718-927-7394 electric maintenance
7182433959 - 2124244344 on assumed locked door - division of station maintenance (machinary heard running thru door)
2127124236 above assumed locked door
212-424-3959/4344 on assumed locked door "lighting" 
5162506486- on construction shed
7182434506 - above assumed locked door with electronic keypad


718-526-9501 - RNA  NIS
718-437-8814 wrong area code, proper number next line...
212-437-8814 - RNA - dead air then ring 5X then dead air??
212-674-0865 - RNA NIS
212-502-5963 - straight to modem
212-502-5821 - RNA  NIS
212-502-5364 - straight to modem
212-674-4553 - RNA NIS
212-674-0865 - RNA NIS
718-372-9174 - straight to modem
718-946-9560 - straight to modem
718-946-9563 - straight to modem
718-946-9541 - straight to modem
718-946-9519 - straight to modem
718-946-9495 - straight to modem
718-636-0938 - straight to modem
718-624-9786 - RNA NIS
718-624-9698 - RNA NIS
718-236-9711 - RNA   NIS
212-777-9573 - R1X then modem
212-664-8283 - R1X then modem
718-636-4854 - straight to modem
718-783-9689 - straight to modem
718-636-4731 - straight to modem
718-622-2473 - straight to modem
718-636-0889 - straight to modem
718-584-1082 - RNA-?- "unable to complete your call at this time" (boost mobile)
212-962-9837 - BSY
212-962-8871 - RNA NIS
212-777-9187 - straight to modem
212-674-8521 - straight to modem
718-384-0511- R1X then modem
212-704-0234 - straight to modem
212-840-8749 - RNA R1X then modem 
212-840-8748 - BSY straight to modem
212-599-9379 - R1X then modem
212-226-9702 - RNA - modem after about 5 rings
212-221-8845 - straight to modem
212-221-8839- R1X then modem
718-236-9750 -  "the # you dialed is NIS"
718-788-9025 - R2X "the # you dialed is NIS"
718-788-8970 - "the # you dialed is NIS"
718-788-8806 - "the # you dialed is NIS"
718-384-9805 - R1X then modem
718-232-9724 - "the # you dialed is NIS"
718-384-9775  NIS
212-674-4082 BSY / NDT
718-438-9877 NIS

718-438-9193 NIS
212-674-9247 R1X then modem
212-475-9858 R1X then modem
718-438-8885  "the # you dialed is NIS"
718-438-9049  "the # you dialed is NIS"
718-438-9651  "the # you dialed is NIS"
718-624-9444 NIS
718-624-9462 NIS
718-624-9788 R1X then modem
718-625-5608 R1X then modem
718-625-5617 R1X then modem
718-625-5705 NIS
718-625-9346 RNA
718-625-9353 R1X then modem (heard background noise before modem started)
212-674-4335 - R1X then modem
718-437-2299 - R2X then modem (missing coin box)
718-384-0480 - R1X - silence - then modem
718-788-9385 - NIS (possible that this is a 212 number, since I failed to put what station this was at, but 212 RNA) 
718-788-9050 - NIS - first COCOT found in subway system!!